Massachusetts Republican Party Statement on Shooting at Trump Rally in Pennsylvania

Milwaukee, WI –The Massachusetts Republican Party extends its deepest and sincerest prayers to President Trump, his family, and the United States of America. Like every American, we are outraged, horrified, and deeply concerned. We are learning the details of the shooting in real time. For now, we emphasize that as Americans, we must not become so entrenched in division that we forget we are all brothers and sisters under the American flag. Whether Democrat or Republican, despite our differences, we all desire peace and prosperity for our nation. Political violence is intolerable, and we must unify as a nation to condemn this horrible incident. We expect justice for this heinous act and pray for President Trump’s swift recovery.

Massachusetts Republican Party Chair, Amy Carnevale

Massachusetts Republican Party National Committeeman, Ron Kaufman

Massachusetts Republican Party National Committeewoman, Janet Fogarty

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