Citizens Group Demands State Correct Errors in Voter Registration Database

BOSTON – A national election integrity organization filed a complaint today with the Massachusetts Secretary of the Commonwealth alleging more than 1 million violations of voter registration laws based on the 2022 midterm election.

United Sovereign Americans (USA), a non-partisan, all-volunteer group, demands that the state correct errors in the voter rolls prior to the November presidential election, or the results cannot be legally certified. USA maintains that allowing these errors to persist violates federal election laws, jeopardizes the constitutional rights of all American citizens, raises the risk of election fraud, and disenfranchises legitimate voters. USA is not contesting the results of any prior elections but wants existing election laws to be followed in all upcoming elections.

The complaint states that a months-long analysis of public voting records exposed 751,317 errors in voter registration data including duplicate voter records, missing required data elements like birthdates or full names, registered voters who have moved out of state or are deceased, and invalid voter registration dates. Additionally, 87,231 more votes were counted than voters who voted, calling into question where those ballots originated.

The complaint also states that 265,046 votes were cast by people with defective registration records, opening the risk of voter fraud. Federal law allowed for 19 errors in counting ballots in the 2022 midterm election in Massachusetts.

“Our auditors found three quarters of a million voter registrations that need to be removed, explained or adjudicated and repaired,” says Marly Hornik, CEO of United Sovereign Americans, “Is this malice, arrogance, or incompetence? We demand comprehensive investigations on how these illegal records got into our voting systems. It appears that our election officials are derelict in their duties to follow existing election laws. Until these errors are fixed, reported election results in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are, tragically, unreliable.”

The complaint does not address potential voting by non-citizens.

Among the USA findings:

  • 25,607 voters had duplicate records, with some having three registration numbers all in active status
  • 132,376 voters had invalid addresses, such as living at multi-tenant buildings but with no apartment or unit number
  • 123,587 records had no date of birth and 119 had birthdates that made them older than the oldest living person in the state
  • 179,043 registered voters no longer live at the address on record, based on data from the US Post Office, and many have moved out of state
  • 46,017 people registered to vote on or before their birthdate
  • 18,753 people are deceased according to state records but are still on the registration rolls
  • 219,934 have invalid registration dates
  • 5,881 have suspicious names, including one registered voter – who also voted in 2022 – who only has a single initial as a first name and no last name

For additional information, please contact United Sovereign Americans at

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