MassGOP Slams Democrats for Prioritizing Politics Over Massachusetts Residents in $425 Million Spending Bill

Boston, MA – Last night, the Massachusetts Senate passed yet another reckless spending bill, allocating $425 million to perpetuate the ongoing migrant crisis without implementing any meaningful reforms. Every Republican senator voted against the measure, standing firm against a bill that fails to address the humanitarian disaster unfolding across the Commonwealth.

Senate Republicans fought for commonsense amendments aimed at increasing public safety and ensuring taxpayer dollars prioritize Massachusetts residents. Each was rejected by the Democratic supermajority, exposing their true priorities.

One key amendment, introduced by Minority Leader Senator Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester), would have required universal background checks for individuals seeking emergency assistance (EA) housing. Currently, applicants must pass a CORI check, but with many new arrivals coming from outside Massachusetts—and even outside the country—this safeguard is insufficient. Republicans sought to close this loophole and prevent taxpayer funds from being used to house individuals with criminal backgrounds. Shockingly, Democrats voted it down.

“If there was ever an example of Democrats putting politics over public safety, this is it,” said MassGOP Chair Amy Carnevale. “Republicans put forward a logical, necessary measure to ensure emergency housing is reserved for law-abiding individuals. The Democrats’ rejection of this amendment is appalling and indefensible.”

Senator Peter Durant (R-Spencer) also proposed an amendment to prioritize homeless Massachusetts residents over newly arrived migrants. This measure would have ensured that those who have paid into the system as taxpayers receive first access to taxpayer-funded services. Once again, Democrats blocked it.

“It is unconscionable that a Massachusetts citizen who could fall on hard times is being pushed to the back of the line while the state bends over backward to accommodate an influx of migrants,” Carnevale continued. “The people of Massachusetts deserve better.”

Lastly, Senate Republicans sought to implement real residency requirements that could not be manipulated or circumvented. Despite Governor Healey’s empty rhetoric about reform, Democrats swiftly voted this amendment down as well.

“Governor Healey and legislative Democrats talk about reform, but the reforms themselves are just show pieces to protect their image. Read the reforms and it doesn’t take long to realize they’re written intentionally to be manipulated,” Carnevale added. “Top Democrats want to be seen as responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars, but last night’s votes against commonsense amendments prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they are not.”

The MassGOP remains committed to fighting for public safety, fiscal responsibility, and policies that put Massachusetts residents first. The party will continue to expose the failures of Democratic leadership and push for real solutions to the state’s growing migrant crisis.

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