Massachusetts Republicans Alarmed by Mayor Wu’s Progressive Survey Responses

Boston, MA– The MassGOP is concerned over Mayor Michelle Wu’s alignment with Progressive Massachusetts’ agenda, as highlighted by Fox News today. In a 2021 survey, Mayor Wu filled out a form by the advocacy group stating she’s in favor of extreme progressive policies. Progressive Massachusetts’ mission is to transform “Massachusetts into a bold laboratory for progressive state initiatives,” and recent developments such as the migrant crisis, inflation, and affordability issues indicate their success.

MassGOP Chair, Amy Carnevale, commented on Mayor Wu’s survey answers stating, “Mayor Wu’s responses to a progressive survey, including advocating for non-citizen voting rights, are extremely troubling. Her stance on public safety raises alarms, as she supports policies like disgraced DA Rachael Rollins’s do-not-prosecute list, leading to increased petty crime which has resulted in goods being locked up at local convenience stores and business closures.” 

“Mayor Wu’s reluctance to share information between Boston Police and ICE exacerbates safety risks, as evidenced by instances of child abuse and sexual assault by illegal immigrants. If there were better communication between ICE and local police, it would hinder instances of these horrific crimes comitted by illegal immigrants. Additionally, her endorsement of eliminating Boston’s gang database neglects tracking known violent criminals, further endangering public safety,” Carnevale continued.

“Mayor Wu epitomizes everything wrong with Democratic politics in Massachusetts. Her views are not only unsafe but also lack coherence in terms of community betterment. The MassGOP looks forward to supporting a candidate who can put an end to Mayor Wu’s extreme progressive agenda in 2025,” Carnevale concluded.

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