MassGOP: Debate Highlights that President Biden is Unfit to Lead

Boston, MA– This debate should serve as a wake-up call to all Americans. President Biden is clearly unfit to participate in a debate, let alone continue to lead our country as President of the United States. It is evident that President Biden lacks the cognitive ability required to fulfill the responsibilities of the presidency.

Under Biden’s administration, inflation has skyrocketed, hurting working families and making everyday essentials unaffordable. His immigration policies have led to the worst border crisis in American history, jeopardizing national security and overwhelming Massachusetts. The economic recovery he promised remains elusive, with small businesses struggling and job growth stagnating. President Biden refused to answer questions directly and instead resorted to the greatest hits of anti-Trump rhetoric that has been debunked.

President Trump presented a clear and decisive message to tackle these pressing challenges and restore prosperity to our nation. The difference in tonight’s debate was stark and genuinely concerning for the current state of our country, underscoring the need for new leadership in the White House. Under President Trump, the United States was a better place, while under President Biden, the United States and the world are worse off. 

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