Who’s Afraid of Accountability? See Where Legislators Stand on Auditing the State House

This week, Massachusetts Republicans introduced Amendment #17 to the House Rules to ensure transparency and accountability in state government. This amendment reaffirms the authority of the State Auditor to audit the House, as granted under Section 11 of Chapter 12 of the General Laws. Below is the roll call vote taken on the amendment. Review the roll call vote and see for yourself which party truly represents the will of the voters in the state legislature.
Amendment #17 to H2024
Audit by State Auditor
A YES vote supports the Republican-led effort to uphold the will of the voters, who overwhelmingly approved a law allowing the State Auditor to audit the State Legislature.
A NO vote opposes this commonsense accountability measure and disregards the state ballot question passed by the voters to ensure state legislative transparency.

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